2D Art

Our Art Production

With over 15 years of experience dedicated to developing the art verticals of our company, we have meticulously crafted hundreds of assets for word-building elements and characters within video games. Our utmost priority is to ensure that the visual component of your games is immersive, vibrant, and faithful to your unique story, genre, and mechanics. We continuously refine our art until we are confident that it resonates deeply with your players, leaving them enamored with the visuals that unfold before them. Trust us to elevate your game's art to unprecedented heights, ensuring an unforgettable experience for your players.


2D Game Animation

Logics 7 Games excels in the art of animating 2D game illustrations, sketches, designs, and storyboards, infusing them with a vibrant sense of life. Our expertise lies in bringing various elements of your game to life through captivating animation. From characters, both player-controlled (PCs) and non-player-controlled (NPCs), to mesmerizing visual effects, environmental movements, and captivating cutscenes, we ensure that every aspect of movement within your game exudes dynamism, fluidity, and anticipation.

Our team at Logics 7 Games understands the pivotal role that animation plays in enhancing the storytelling aspect of your game. With meticulous attention to detail, we craft animations that seamlessly integrate with the narrative, elevating the overall gaming experience. Each movement is thoughtfully designed to breathe life into your game, capturing the essence of the story you aim to convey.

2D Game Animation

Logics 7 Games excels in the art of animating 2D game illustrations, sketches, designs, and storyboards, infusing them with a vibrant sense of life. Our expertise lies in bringing various elements of your game to life through captivating animation. From characters, both player-controlled (PCs) and non-player-controlled (NPCs), to mesmerizing visual effects, environmental movements, and captivating cutscenes, we ensure that every aspect of movement within your game exudes dynamism, fluidity, and anticipation.

Our team at Logics 7 Games understands the pivotal role that animation plays in enhancing the storytelling aspect of your game. With meticulous attention to detail, we craft animations that seamlessly integrate with the narrative, elevating the overall gaming experience. Each movement is thoughtfully designed to breathe life into your game, capturing the essence of the story you aim to convey.

2D Game Animation

Logics 7 Games excels in the art of animating 2D game illustrations, sketches, designs, and storyboards, infusing them with a vibrant sense of life. Our expertise lies in bringing various elements of your game to life through captivating animation. From characters, both player-controlled (PCs) and non-player-controlled (NPCs), to mesmerizing visual effects, environmental movements, and captivating cutscenes, we ensure that every aspect of movement within your game exudes dynamism, fluidity, and anticipation.

Our team at Logics 7 Games understands the pivotal role that animation plays in enhancing the storytelling aspect of your game. With meticulous attention to detail, we craft animations that seamlessly integrate with the narrative, elevating the overall gaming experience. Each movement is thoughtfully designed to breathe life into your game, capturing the essence of the story you aim to convey.

2D Game Animation

Logics 7 Games excels in the art of animating 2D game illustrations, sketches, designs, and storyboards, infusing them with a vibrant sense of life. Our expertise lies in bringing various elements of your game to life through captivating animation. From characters, both player-controlled (PCs) and non-player-controlled (NPCs), to mesmerizing visual effects, environmental movements, and captivating cutscenes, we ensure that every aspect of movement within your game exudes dynamism, fluidity, and anticipation.

Our team at Logics 7 Games understands the pivotal role that animation plays in enhancing the storytelling aspect of your game. With meticulous attention to detail, we craft animations that seamlessly integrate with the narrative, elevating the overall gaming experience. Each movement is thoughtfully designed to breathe life into your game, capturing the essence of the story you aim to convey.

2D Game Animation

Logics 7 Games excels in the art of animating 2D game illustrations, sketches, designs, and storyboards, infusing them with a vibrant sense of life. Our expertise lies in bringing various elements of your game to life through captivating animation. From characters, both player-controlled (PCs) and non-player-controlled (NPCs), to mesmerizing visual effects, environmental movements, and captivating cutscenes, we ensure that every aspect of movement within your game exudes dynamism, fluidity, and anticipation.

Our team at Logics 7 Games understands the pivotal role that animation plays in enhancing the storytelling aspect of your game. With meticulous attention to detail, we craft animations that seamlessly integrate with the narrative, elevating the overall gaming experience. Each movement is thoughtfully designed to breathe life into your game, capturing the essence of the story you aim to convey.

2D Game Animation

Logics 7 Games excels in the art of animating 2D game illustrations, sketches, designs, and storyboards, infusing them with a vibrant sense of life. Our expertise lies in bringing various elements of your game to life through captivating animation. From characters, both player-controlled (PCs) and non-player-controlled (NPCs), to mesmerizing visual effects, environmental movements, and captivating cutscenes, we ensure that every aspect of movement within your game exudes dynamism, fluidity, and anticipation.

Our team at Logics 7 Games understands the pivotal role that animation plays in enhancing the storytelling aspect of your game. With meticulous attention to detail, we craft animations that seamlessly integrate with the narrative, elevating the overall gaming experience. Each movement is thoughtfully designed to breathe life into your game, capturing the essence of the story you aim to convey.

2D Game Animation

Logics 7 Games excels in the art of animating 2D game illustrations, sketches, designs, and storyboards, infusing them with a vibrant sense of life. Our expertise lies in bringing various elements of your game to life through captivating animation. From characters, both player-controlled (PCs) and non-player-controlled (NPCs), to mesmerizing visual effects, environmental movements, and captivating cutscenes, we ensure that every aspect of movement within your game exudes dynamism, fluidity, and anticipation.

Our team at Logics 7 Games understands the pivotal role that animation plays in enhancing the storytelling aspect of your game. With meticulous attention to detail, we craft animations that seamlessly integrate with the narrative, elevating the overall gaming experience. Each movement is thoughtfully designed to breathe life into your game, capturing the essence of the story you aim to convey.

2D Game Animation

Logics 7 Games excels in the art of animating 2D game illustrations, sketches, designs, and storyboards, infusing them with a vibrant sense of life. Our expertise lies in bringing various elements of your game to life through captivating animation. From characters, both player-controlled (PCs) and non-player-controlled (NPCs), to mesmerizing visual effects, environmental movements, and captivating cutscenes, we ensure that every aspect of movement within your game exudes dynamism, fluidity, and anticipation.

Our team at Logics 7 Games understands the pivotal role that animation plays in enhancing the storytelling aspect of your game. With meticulous attention to detail, we craft animations that seamlessly integrate with the narrative, elevating the overall gaming experience. Each movement is thoughtfully designed to breathe life into your game, capturing the essence of the story you aim to convey.

2D Game Animation

Logics 7 Games excels in the art of animating 2D game illustrations, sketches, designs, and storyboards, infusing them with a vibrant sense of life. Our expertise lies in bringing various elements of your game to life through captivating animation. From characters, both player-controlled (PCs) and non-player-controlled (NPCs), to mesmerizing visual effects, environmental movements, and captivating cutscenes, we ensure that every aspect of movement within your game exudes dynamism, fluidity, and anticipation.

Our team at Logics 7 Games understands the pivotal role that animation plays in enhancing the storytelling aspect of your game. With meticulous attention to detail, we craft animations that seamlessly integrate with the narrative, elevating the overall gaming experience. Each movement is thoughtfully designed to breathe life into your game, capturing the essence of the story you aim to convey.

2D Game Animation

Logics 7 Games excels in the art of animating 2D game illustrations, sketches, designs, and storyboards, infusing them with a vibrant sense of life. Our expertise lies in bringing various elements of your game to life through captivating animation. From characters, both player-controlled (PCs) and non-player-controlled (NPCs), to mesmerizing visual effects, environmental movements, and captivating cutscenes, we ensure that every aspect of movement within your game exudes dynamism, fluidity, and anticipation.

Our team at Logics 7 Games understands the pivotal role that animation plays in enhancing the storytelling aspect of your game. With meticulous attention to detail, we craft animations that seamlessly integrate with the narrative, elevating the overall gaming experience. Each movement is thoughtfully designed to breathe life into your game, capturing the essence of the story you aim to convey.

Our Technology

Have us contact you
We help you hit your goals faster thanks to our great expertise.
If you prefer to contact us, use this email: juliya.suponeva@gmail.com